To the woman who wants to quit her well-paying successful girl boss job to pursue her dreams of baking but scared of failing, here's my advice (from someone who did what you're afraid of):

Use your well-paying job to sugar-mama yourself into your baking dreams! Don't be afraid of failure, be afraid of not knowing the full potential of your dreams. Life is too short to not chase your dreams. Failing is how we learn and grow. If you wanna pursue your dreams of baking GO 🙌 FOR 🙌 IT! You can always go back to a girl boss job. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

3 years ago I quit my high-paying dream job to be a baking content creator + writer full time. And holy shit it's working, beyond my wildest dreams. SO GO GET IT GIRL.

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I am so excited for the person who is getting into reading. There are so many good books out there.

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