We’re back with our weekly roundup of sparkly moments, this time with a theme: summertime leisure.

I counted monarch caterpillars (7!) with my husband in our backyard.
Walking barefoot in the cool grass.
Excited to go camping for the first time with my bf.
Sitting on the patio with my dog, eating fresh tomatoes and peaches.
My zinnias are popping off and I have so many cut flowers inside.
Evening walks have become such a relaxing routine.
Tomatoes I grew will be ripe just in time for my baby to start solid foods.
The algorithm randomly fed me (never touched a sewing machine) a quilt pattern vid and I got hyper fixated and started taking sewing classes.
Making fresh pesto with my basil from my garden.
Having a lovely drink of soda water, fresh fruit syrup, and flowers floating in it.
Reading outside.
Had my first sapphic threesome.
I love birding. I took myself for a ncie bird walk for my birthday and saw a new to me bird.
I dyed my hair red today.
Got a massage on Monday for the first time in 3 years. It was heavenly.
Taking my toddler to her first national park.
Waking up creekside in the Smokies.
Going halloween decor hunting/shopping tomorrow (I hate summer).
Watercolor painting and eating gnocchi with a beloved friend who loves me when I’m messy.
Quit my job and have been reading, going for walks, enjoying the weather.
Playing on the lawn of my parents yacht club with my kid tonight.
My new house has a garden and so I drink my morning tea sitting outside watching birds.
Drank wine with my friends on my patio.
Taking cold showers with my lover.
Lunch with my 4th grade teacher after 10 years!
My husband and I have been planning field trips for our 9 month old this week!
I spent all day swimming with my new lover and we ate sushi while watching the sunset.
When you’ve been craving a swim and you get one.
Our 11 month old is walking. It’s so clumsy and beautiful.
Sitting on the patio, twinkly lights, deep blue sky. Breeze. Book and a fun drink. Perfect.
Reading a book in the backyard.
Driving with the windows down.
A hummingbird I’ve been feeding came hovered within inches of me today.
I slow danced with my best friend of 25+ years last week and it was magical. 10/10.
Local library summer reading program prizes.
A lil drink (alcoholic or NA) + patio weather.
I work at a summer camp & get to make slime all day with kindergarteners.
Spending the weekend at my besties house chilling.
We got a hammock for the back yard and it is so relaxing it doesn’t even make sense.
Visiting my dad after 6 months apart and he showed me his rock garden.
I’ve been getting more much needed time to myself, it’s felt amazing.
Eating summer fruit.
Day off & I got my septum pierced! My mom always said not to but I’m healing teen me!
Drinking coffee on my porch in the morning before it is too hot.
Swimming in the lake!
My friend invited me to board games & dinner w/ her + partner this weekend and I’m SO excited.
Perfectly ripe tomatoes!

Been really prioritizing eating dinner on a blanket in the park w my book.
Made my preschool playground into a water park today. I LOVE SUMMER SCHOOL.
I had a nice morning outside drinking coffee and watching my dog loving nature.
It’s winter in Australia but today was warm and sunny!! It made me hopeful :)
I’m growing a balcony garden at my new apartment in my new city and it’s perfect.
The midnight Alaska sun.
My nanny kiddo lost their first tooth!
I finally feel like I”m recovering from (autistic) burnout through DIY and yard projects.
Spent quality time w/ my brother last week, reminded how sweet life could be.
I’ve started to paint and I love it so much! I see everything different around me now, colours, shapes.
All my friends going camping together once a year and having the best time.
Reading my book with my sleeping baby on my chest.
Spent the day with my all female team with swimming and BBQ at a lakehouse - didn’t need men for it.
Have had time to myself and with my family this summer.
I’ve been in a pool the last 5 days.
Dropping my career in software to start pastry school next week!
I am grateful to be traveling this summer and having my kids get experiences away from TX.
Watching lightning bugs glow!
I’ve been playing Stardew Valley! And then cross stitching cute Stardew Valley animals.
Vacationing on a beach and I love it.
I just moved and can ride my bike to the beach.
It’s winter here so my leisure is rediscovering book reading while having some tea.
Reading all the books I want to read for hours.
Monarch caterpillar making a home on our milkweed!!
Reading a book in bed and blasting the AC.
Picking native flowers from my garden.
I rejoined my crochet club after a health break.
Family moved to a place w/o a yard and our dog keeps tricking us to go on many extra walks :)
I’m on my first holiday in 4 years. I have worked so hard and completely deserve it.
Had the PERFECT lake day last week. Hot out, water perfect temp, family floating together.
My kid asked for another week of camp so I got some bonus days off chilling on my own.
I’m quitting my job of ten years today that no longer serves me. I will have a month of leisure after!
Creating nourishing summertime salads.
I’m spending three weeks before grad school in Santa Fe.
Teacher here - I had my baby in March and got 2 extra summer months w/ him.
My friend is arriving today and we’re going away for a weekend away by the sea.
Baby slept 9.5 hours last night! Evening walk around the lake did it.
Ate some churro ice cream and talked fundies with my bf’s aunt.
My partner got a Blackstone grill and we are planning out all the things we want to make!
Excited for my bf to join my family vacation for the first time next week!!!
Introducing my future in-laws to my family cottage & they love it as much as we do!
High school friends all traveling from 7 diff places to tube/chill in the smokies this weekend.
Swimming swimming swimming.
Carrying my new niece around in a baby wrap (*childless* obsessed auntie life).
Laying in the grass.
Anytime I get to eat a grilled glizzy with friends I know I’m living the life.
Spent the day reading a book my friend wrote because I have time on a random Thursday!
Having a date with myself tonight to paint my nails and watch Bridgerton!
Had a girls weekend with my 30-something friends. Just snacks, cocktails, pool time, & girl talk.
I’m taking the bar exam next week and when it’s done I can actually enjoy the summer.

your favorite becca
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